
Friday 24 May 2013

Do you think he saw us?

The nursery have been learning about dinosaurs! They have been making dinosaur masks, finding out about dinosaurs (facts) and even about the times that they lived in. There are 3 main times when dinosaurs lived: Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous.

The Triassic began after the worst mass extinction ever, at the end of the Permian. Life on Earth took a while to recover and expand. The Triassic was characterised by heat, huge deserts and warm seas. Even the Polar Regions were warm, so lush forests grew there. However, the lack of other life, together with the period's particular environmental setting, opened up some evolutionary opportunities. As a result, the very first mammals and dinosaurs evolved. During this time, the giant supercontinent of Pangaea began to break apart. The period ended as it had begun, with an extinction event that wiped out many species.

The Jurassic began after the mass extinction event that ended the Triassic. Life, however, was quick to recover from this blow and the Jurassic eventually became owner to the most varied range of animals and plants that Earth had yet seen. Amongst them were the first birds and some of the dinosaurs. Continental break-up during this time gave rise to the sea that would eventually widen to become the Atlantic Ocean. The ocean floor that formed at this time is the oldest existing on the planet - all older ones having now been 'recycled' through plate tectonics.

The Cretaceous ended with the most famous mass extinction in history - the one that killed the dinosaurs. Before that, it was a warm period with no ice caps at the poles. Much of what we now know as dry land - such as southern England and the Midwest of the USA - was underwater, since sea levels reached their highest ever during this time. The Atlantic Ocean grew much wider as North and South America drew apart from Europe and Africa. The Indian Ocean was formed at this time, and the island that was India began its journey north towards Asia.

I expect that they are having fun learning about dinosaurs and also looking forward to the holidays. I know I am! Please comment on what your favourite dinosaur/prehistoric creature or plant is and if you are doing anything dinosaur related over the holidays. I’m going to new walk museum dinosaur gallery!

By Emily

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